So, I walked into my friend Janet's classroom last week and snatched another idea. I just love walking into her classroom because it's so tidy. So cheery. So uncluttered. So CEEEEE-UTE. I walk in and just inhale the cuteness.
Yeah. That and because I'm a cheater and a lifter of all ideas cute, I start scanning the landscape-that-is-her-classroom for something cute to copy. And she never disappoints.
Sitting on her desk, a gift from one of her fabulous parents, was one of these little faux paint cans, decorated super cute and filled with Peanut M&Ms. Now you know you could just take any old container and fill it with Peanut M&Ms, and it would be awesome, but seriously, how cute!
So, I immediately rationalized another trip to the craft store. You know how I dread that place.
Since I have two kidlets there are two teachers to appreciate, hence the two cans.
Now, please excuse my ignorance for a moment. Okay, again. I'll never live down that whole Modge Podge thing, will I?
Anyway, what the ding dang heck is this dingity dang washer for?!!!
All the paint cans had them and I can't for the life of me figure out what I was supposed to do with them. I even asked Girl Genius and she hadn't a clue. In retrospect, I'm thinking I should have at least tied the washers to the cans with a cutesy ribbon. It's that junk drawer mentality. I can't throw it away until I know what it is . . . I might need it someday.
No lie. I have scads of unidentified hoo-hahs that I might need someday. Doesn't everyone?
The not-knowing makes me crazy. I'm seriously worried that my cutified cans are sitting on my favorite teachers' desks, poised to to implode or something, spewing Almond Joy and Kit Kat bits about the classroom, ruining the cute, all because I didn't include the ding dang washer thing-a-ling.
I have such crafty problems, don't I?
Now, I'm not going to show you every little thing I did to these cans, but I do want to show you that the circumference of these particular cans was a tinsy bit more than a twelve inch long piece of paper. You can check that ahead of time by measuring the diameter and multiplying it by pi. You know, if you care.
I know you don't, but this is why it matters--since I didn't choose to use a forgiving pattern that I could just do a patch job with, I was forced to make my label cover the gap. Oh the horror.
It's actually not that big of a deal.
Once you glue buttons and flowers and ribbon to the can, then fill it with chocolatey goodness, who's going to even notice, right?