Yes, you read that right. I'll never buy another font cartridge for my Cricut ever again, because I can now use any font I have on my computer and my Cricut will cut it. I know you want to know how, so I'm going to tell you. Girl Genius hooked me up with this software called Sure Cuts A Lot and it is A-Mazing.
I cut that vinyl in the picture above with the software, and then I put it on my minivan. I know.
Mattie Cake asked me that same question. She said "Who puts that on their car??????"
Freaks like me, that's who.
I used to have the Creative Memories logo on my van with all my contact info, but I'm thinking I might stop doing the Creative Memories thing this summer. Plus, the web address was out of date so it had to come off. And in the interest of being able to find my van in a parking lot full of mini vans, I needed something on mine that will enable me to find it quickly when I forget where I park. Because I do that on a regular basis. I have navigation issues.
Anyway, I'm thinking that no one else is going to put Control Freak on their mini van, so I'm pretty safe.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there. What I really want to show you is that Janae not only hooked me up with this cool software, but she taught me how to cut vinyl on my Cricut. And I went a little crazy.
I've been cutting vinyl for my classroom. It's perfect for the titles on my white boards. I loooooove it.
Next I want to cut some vinyl sayings to put around my house. I'm thinking "PICK UP YOUR CRAP!" is going to be first.
Would that be too tacky?
Seriously. I feel I should warn you though, that this software might not be for you. Before you buy it, go and read this blah blah about how it could void your warranty and stuff. It's too late for me, because I've already used it, but I haven't had any problems with it and my Cricut did not blow up, so I'm a believer. I'm the kind of person that jumps first and asks questions later though.
Reckless. Impatient. Naughty.
Probably not the best example. Most definitely not qualified to give you Cricut advice.
Of course Cricut doesn't want you to buy the software because then they can't sell their $70 font cartridges to you. I'm thinking four Cricut font cartridges cost about the same as a new Cricut though, right? And I've already used two different fonts off my computer, so I've already saved half the cost of the money I would need to replace my Cricut if it should happen to blow up because I used the not-Cricut software.
I like to rationalize.
Has anyone else used this software? Does anyone have any words of caution about using it? I'd love to hear what experiences other people have had with it, so leave a comment if you have something to share.
Or if you just want to tell me how stooooooopid I am for using the not-Cricut software.
NOTE: Here's a link a just found with some excellent money-saving Cricut tips.
NOTE: Here's a link a just found with some excellent money-saving Cricut tips.