Am I the only one who remembers Malibu Barbie? No really, because she lives in my town now, and she's on the PTO at my kids' school. No lie.
The first time I saw her, I knew it was her, even though she's had a makeover and she looks a tinsy bit different. She also drives a mini van, but you can still tell it's her.
For starters, she let her roots grow out. Yep, she's really a brunette. I am so not kidding you. I know you think I'm making this up, but I'm not.
Malibu has had three kids since her time in the sun. Not that you could tell. She is Barbie after all. Except that now her name is Heidi.
Yeah, her name is Heidi and on her Facebook profile, she lists cleaning as her hobby. Cleaning! Can you believe that?
She's disgustingly perfect. I don't think she sleeps either.
Early in the school year, we had to meet at school at ohhhh-dark thirty in the morning to put up a gazillion flags before school, and she was there. All chipper and cute, bubbling over with energy and enthusiasm. Not a hair out of place and perfect make-up. And I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, but I did have to turn to her and inquire if she even owned a pair of real sweat pants. Seriously, she was there in a cute little matching exercise pant and warm-up jacket ensemble. Really, an ensemble. I don't own an ensemble anything, so I'm pretty impressed by this.
I've seen her painting clothes too, and they don't look anything like my painting clothes. Hers are cute little capris with a cute little short sleeve shirt. Seriously.
And do you want to know the worst part? I'd like to hate her because she's so perfect, but I just can't because she's too dang sweet. She's at school all the time. She, along with another parent volunteer, teaches art to the entire school for free. Actually, I take that back, she's paying the school to teach art for free because she never turns in her receipts to be reimbursed. Sssh, don't tell her husband. I think he might raise his angry eyebrows if he knew.
Oh, and she runs the Accelerated Reading program, she's involved with everything at school, and she's always smiling. And her hobby is cleaning. Cleaning!
And if that isn't enough, we just elected (and I use this in the loosest sense of the word) her to be PTO President for next year. We railroaded her into it.
I know y'all are just dying to see what she looks like now, right?
Okay, here she is.
Hee hee. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Do you like it? I made this today to give to Malibu at the PTO meeting today. First I was going to dye the real Malibu Barbie's hair brown, but then I took the cheater route and just bought a Belle Princess doll and chopped her hair off. I made the beauty queen sash thingie with my label maker, and the little bag with my Cricut.
I love the little bag. It's my favorite part. I had to get a picture of it because she's probably going to rip the bag off her Mini Me before her husband sees it.
Do you believe me?