Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Tooth Fairy is a BONEHEAD!!!

I'm thinking I might have to fire our Tooth Fairy.

I know you're dying to know why, so bear with me as I windingly tell you.

Last week Stinkerbell lost her first tooth. Exciting times for a five-year old, let me tell you.

Thing 1 is not at all happy about this, because she only lost her first tooth a year ago and she's two years older than her sister.

It's good to learn young that life isn't fair, don't you think?

So, first tooth gone last week, second tooth yanked out by The Stink Sunday evening. I think she likes the idea of trading her teeth for money. A little bit disturbing, eh?

This morning I was getting Thing 1 off to school and Stinkerbell wasn't awake yet because she has afternoon Kindergarten. She wouldn't be up for hours because she is not a morning person.

Thing 1 was frantic and she rushes out to tell me that the Tooth Fairy didn't take her sister's tooth or leave her any money.

OH CRAP!!!!!!

My thoughts were racing. I was thinking I had to get Thing 1 out the door so I could rectify the situation.

But then I realized that, no, I couldn't plant the goods because sisters talk and then I would surely be busted.

Dang it! What to do? What to do?

Okay. Wait. Stinkerbell wasn't in her own room last night because she snuck in to sleep with her sister. Oh, I feel a consequence coming on.

A teachable moment.

I LOVE teachable moments . . . I get to be right. Oh goody.

Look at that! I'm saved. See it? See it?

That's the tooth.

On her sister's nightstand.

Not where it's supposed to be.

Not under her pillow.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I run to write the note you see at the beginning of this post, trying so hard not to write like myself.

When Stinkerbell gets up I take her to her room to explain about the consequence and show her the note. She doesn't freak out because that is so not her style.

She looks at me as if to say "What-EV. Big deal."

She understood completely why she didn't get paid.

Except she wanted to know why the Tooth Fairy didn't come looking for her since we have two kid bedrooms. I blubbered a little bit and then changed the subject

Whew! I am so lucky.

Look, no bottom teeth.

Stinkerbell tells me she can fit a suitcase in there.

I don't know what she's talking about. Sometimes it's easier just to not ask the questions and act like it makes perfectly good sense.

Stinkerbell decided she needed to write a note to the Tooth Fairy since she appears to be so thick.

Okay. I deserved that, I guess.

Dear Tooth Fairy,
My tooth is under my pillow.

At least Stinkerbell didn't chastise her. I don't know if I could have taken that.

Stinkerbell even drew a little picture for her. With labels because she didn't think the Tooth Fairy would know what the picture was.

Because she's so stupid.

You and a horse it says.

At least not a horse's butt. We're doing okay here.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I like to mess with my kids. They got notes from Santa last year too.

Zoe Bug,
I've been watching you and I want you to work on not whining so much and freaking out. Like your Mama says, "Chill girl."

And just in case Stinkerbell was ready to laugh at her sister.

I've been watching you too, and I want you to stop chewing on your hair and pushing Zoe's buttons. I don't want to have to put you on the BB&G List. Be Good!

I have to tell you, at first I didn't think these made any impact at all. They both seemed to not care. After all, they still had the mother lode of gifts at their feet, how bad could it be?

Then later that week I overheard Thing 1 telling her friend in a whisper voice "We got letters from Santa. When I woke up and found mine, I got a little tear in my eye and I almost started to cry."

That just broke my heart a teeny little bit.

But I'm recovered now. Obviously.

And if you liked this, you might enjoy reading about the box of rocks for brains that is our Easter Bunny.


  1. I love the idea of the notes!! I am going to use those!!Thanks:-)

  2. Hahaha.....you are a funny mamma. Cute post.

  3. Very cute! The tooth fairy used to leave my daughter mystery notes in invisible ink! Good thing my husband knew what to do to get the ink to show up (hold it over heat), because I sure didn't!
    By the way, Santa sent our daughter on a treasure hunt last Christmas. She had to find 6 or 7 clues that led her around the house and all over the yard before she discovered her new electric scooter sitting on the front porch!

  4. YOU CRACK ME UP! I am not the only mom who forgets! I have done that same letter to the tooth fairy. Could not find your tooth...could you put it in a better spot? :) We do the Santa letters too! Can't wait for BL tonight!!!

  5. We had a similar situation. Noah didn't put it in his tooth box like he usually does so we said the tooth fairy looked there and didn't see it. The next night the tooth fairy came and there it was. Another time when I was out of town, my hubby forgot but since Noah slept in his room that night instead of his bed, he used that as an excuse. One of these days we'll get caught I'm sure!

  6. This is why we have a male version of the Tooth Fairy so mommy can blame daddy if the Tooth Fairy fails to deliver...

  7. I had the same problem a few days ago with our Tooth Fairy! I thought we were the only ones with a forgetful Fairy! Good save on your part!

    I will be trying the letters from Santa this year!

  8. You have got to be the FUNNIEST mom around!! Santa has written Lexi a note or two also....it works VERY well with her...hehehe

  9. you ar so funny! I love the letter but i absolutly love stinkers reply. Aren't kids the absolute best!
    p.s. down with vicki

  10. Hello, and pardon my intrusion but I love your blog. You crack me up! Your stories are hilarious!!! May I have your email address? Elisa

  11. I love this story! So precious! You are soooo smart with your little notes from Santa, I think every holiday character should leave tips behind.
    Easter Bunny: "Don't forget to brush your teeth after eating this candy!"

  12. This post was a hoot! Loved all the different notes!

  13. Those notes are great. Quick thinking on your part.

    We do notes just like that at our house too. The only problem is that now my 9 year old (who disturbingly still believes in the tooth fairy) rights out huge lists of questions that she expects the tooth fairy to answer.

    I played along initially. I even answered the question "when is your birthday?" a few years ago. And she never forgot the answer and now leaves the tooth fairy birthday cards and expects a tip and thank you note in return. (In case you were wondering, the tooth fairy's birthday is April 1st!)

  14. You are too funny! I remember my mom would leave me notes from Santa, but after a while I could still tell it was her handwriting!

    I like the way you say, Chill girl! My two-year old always squirms when I try to put her clothes on and one day I was getting frustrated. I told her to just chill out and she says back to me, "No! You chill out!" Maybe I'll start using the "chill, girl" and it won't sound so bad coming back to me!

  15. Jill my friend, you have the handwriting of a serial killer. I think you've only got a couple of more years before you'll have to start writing with your other hand inorder for them to not realize it's you.

  16. ROFL. What a wonderfully creative mommy you are!!! Love it... absolutely love it!

  17. I forgot to do the tooth fairy thing once too and had to explain that maybe the tooth fairy had been real busy and didnt make it to our house or something like that.

    We also leave notes from Santa, and even Rudolph. We put straw and reindeer food (oatmeal with glitter in it) out on the patio and then when we do the letter from santa we take sidewalk chalk and write something from rudolph too

  18. You seriously are crackin me up!! We are LAME tooth fairies!! In my defense we have four kids, and two who seem to be losing teeth every other week. I would be lying horribly if I said that we have only missed once...or twice. Our children now understand that if they don't get to bed ON TIME, and go RIGHT to sleep, the tooth fairy will pass by their window and wait for a safer night to arrive. She is small, shy, and has soo many kids to visit that she can't take the chance on going in on someone who is awake...it is working so far, and unfortunately buys us WAY TOO MUCH TIME....we are pathetic...!!!!

  19. Wonderful ideas... but can I please move into that bedroom??????

  20. Yes! Quick thinking on that "teachable moment". Brilliant! We've had a few close calls here ourselves. I love the letters from Santa. Priceless!

    Happy SITS day!
    Jenn @ rookno17.blogspot.com

  21. Wow so cute!

    Loving the little notes!

    Happy SITS day.

    LBM xxx

  22. You are so funny! Thanks for a laugh! :)Your girls are adorable.

  23. You really have me chuckling this morning. I love your sense of humor. I'm glad I stopped by on your big SITS Day.

  24. Those notes are so ingenious! My mom used to do that too, at least with my Santa notes, because I wrote a letter to Santa every year, and he had to write back, of course. And I would usually take them to heart, at least for a little while. Your girls are so adorable, that picture of Annika without her bottom teeth just made me grin. Thank you for sharing!!

  25. Oh my gosh, you are too much!

  26. Too cute! I used to be the "tooth fairy" for my little brother - my mom would let me put the money under his pillow, and I'd write him little notes from the fairy. :-)

  27. It's ok, sometimes the tooth fairy forgets !

  28. HA! Teaching moments are code for Crap How Can I Salvage This moments. Our holiday mascots must be smokin the same stuff yours are, cause I get lots of opportunities to exercise my creativite reasoning also! How dull would it be though if we were dealing with the pros, and not the 3rd stringers that we've obviously been given. Huzzah to surprises! Happy SITS day!

  29. Annika was cute writing back to the tooth fairy! LOL You are so funny. Those notes from Santa are a good idea too! I bet when your girls grow up to be mom's, they'll write little notes to their children too! This is so cute!

    I'm a first-timer visitor through SITS but I'll be back. Adding your blog to my blogroll! Congrats on your SITS Day!

  30. I am so glad you were FB today and I found your blog. You are a hoot! Hope your day is great!

  31. Very clever solution to your "situation". Your posts are too funny. Nice to start my day with a few laughs! Thanks!
    pk @ room remix

  32. I thought I was the only lame tooth fairy around! It's even gotten to be a household joke. My kids (5) are older now, so my 10 yr. old (the youngest) basically just makes a transaction with me. Sooo sad.

  33. That's so funny! My 12 year old just told me a few days ago that the tooth fairy still owes him from a few years ago! I guess she did not have any cash on hand! Oops!

  34. that was too funny! good catch that the tooth wasn't there - I like your fast thinking...

  35. Seriously, get this girl a blog.

  36. that is too funny... i love it... i had to act like the money fell off te bed onto the floor and rolled under the bed one time in order to save the situation... when they asked me she didn't take the tooth i said beacuse she had sooo many of that kind and she didn't need it... HA HA... off to read the Easter Bunny...

  37. Oh I got a little teary eyed!! My kids got notes from Santa this year too!! Off to read about the Easter bunny!!

  38. You are quick on your toes lady! I love teachable moments and I'm loving this blog. Will be back for more chuckles. Happy SITS day!

  39. This is so my favorite post! Isn't it wonderful to be a mother and able to use manipulation..of course in small doses (right!). Happy SITS day!

  40. I love it! HA HA My DH and I do that same thing...kids are fun that way. We also had a similar situation with the tooth....only the boy couldn't find the money the TF left...he mentioned that the economy must have hit her too!! LOL So we double checked again...low and behold he finally found the money. Being a parent is tons of fun.

    Happy SITS day!!

  41. Quick thinking! You're the mom whose kids will believe in this stuff till their tweens.... uh, that was my mom. Haha. May I suggest Santa's sleigh tracks and reindeer hoof prints this year?

    Your little girl's onesies look sooo cozy! I want some!

  42. Quick on your feet, I like that! Your kids are hilarious. Get it from mom????

  43. I like the notes from Santa! Super idea! My mom used to say..."Santa's watching you" from about Halloween to Christmas.

  44. The tooth fairy didn't make it to our house one time either... thank goodness there was a thunderstorm that night - you know the tooth fairy has a hard time flying in those... but she did leave gold $1 coins under the pillow the next night - guess that makes up for the blooper. (You can read my post about it on my blog - 733blog.blogspot.com).

    Happy SITS day!

  45. Good thinking on your feet! I can see the dilemma here. My girls are four and two so I haven't had to deal with this yet. Although, my four year old is dying to lose a tooth and is always asking if her tooth is wobbly yet. Love your notes! Your daughters seem to have great senses of humor themselves. I love their notes too.

  46. i absolutely love this post. so creative. i only hope i can come up with something like this if the need arises...

    happy sits day!

  47. OMG her face in that picture!! its awesome that she totally understood that little stipulation. hee hee.

    when I was losing my first tooth, it was wiggling, my Gramma said "oh let me see you wiggle it" so I did .....and she jerked my arm down, thus pulling out my tooth!

  48. Sounds like your tooth fairy was employed by the same agency ours was...ha!
    Sometimes, though, if we looked real hard we'd actually find the money stuck between the headboard and the mattress. One time we found it under the bed.
    What can I say? My kids were wild sleepers;)

  49. This was so funny. I love your sense of humor...I do the same things to my kids! I love your site. Like you, I love scrapbooking and for the moment, my blog site has replaced my scrapbooking...i really need to learn how to digital scrapbook:)

    Enjoy Thing 1 and Thing 2 (so cute!),

    PS...Visiting from SITS!

  50. The notes are a stroke of genius.

  51. I am going to have to remember this one! :)

  52. We got letters from Santa, too... "You know the reindeer like carrots because they're so healthy. How about you?"

  53. I love the letters! Quick thinking!

  54. Hey, you are definitely quick on your feet!

    Our tooth fairy forgot to bring money 3 days in a row, finally left money plus interest and a note apologizing for her forgetfulness!

    Happy SITS day!

  55. Excellent job with the last minute solution! Moms are so smart. I think it's great you write letters to your kids. My mom always did that for me -- actually, Santa and the Easter Bunny used to make us go on scavenger hunts too. It was so much fun.

  56. Excellent job with the last minute solution! Moms are so smart. I think it's great you write letters to your kids. My mom always did that for me -- actually, Santa and the Easter Bunny used to make us go on scavenger hunts too. It was so much fun.

  57. Quick thinking tooth fairy! Love her attitude about it. That cracked me up! Again, ADORABLE pictures!! Did I see a little Pottery Barn Kids bedding??

  58. See this is the great thing about the blogging world. I can steal all your ideas when these things happen to me!

    love the notes from santa!

  59. Nice save! My family's version of the "letters from Santa" is to leave clues to what a present is using who it is "to" and "from" on the tag. F'ex, a Harry Potter book would be "From Harry" instead of Mom or Santa.

  60. Awesome thinking on your feet! I don't know if I would have thought that quickly.

  61. It's great when they are little and believe in all those things.

    I recently told my son while trying to get him to clean out and donate some toys that if he didn't donate and get rid of old and broken toys that Santa would see that he still had a lot of toys and wouldn't leave him any. But if he donated (or as he calls it supercated) toys that Santa would say, "Oh he needs more toys". That worked and we supercated a lot that day!

    Love your blog and Happy SITS day!

  62. Just linking in over from SITS and had to tell you how much I loved your blog. In fact, I think I tinked a little in my pants as I was reading it. You are one funny mama! I LOVE the letters from Santa. I might have to steal that one.......

  63. funny! you are definitely entertaining... I bet you're going to be even funnier as they become huge drama queen teens

  64. I could never bring myself to throw their little teeth away (I don't know what other moms do with them), so I had a little plastic bottle I put them in & put them in the closet under a stack of sheets. Well, guess who found them? I had to come up with something quick & all I could tell her was "those are the cat's teeth". Not the smartest thing to come up with, but she believed me at the time.

    Happy SITS Day!!

  65. Too me any good mom has some humor in her rearing of her children! If nothing else, they'll have a fantastic sense of humor!

    Keep up the good work!

    Come by www.hoitytoitybaby.blogspot.com and follow!

  66. I think we've all done that at one time or another. It's tricky to remember stuff like that. Fortunately, I managed to think on my feet. I dropped a dollar on the floor and while he was looking for it under the bed, I slipped the tooth out and popped it into my pocket. Sleight of hand works every time!

  67. i love a mama with a sense of humor. my babe is but 4 months, but you're giving me *lots* of good ideas.

    so glad to have found you (via SITS)!

  68. So cute! Sounds like you have a lot of fun being a mommy.

    Happy SITS Day - hope you picked up lots of new followers!

  69. I've had to use the notes before too. Man that tooth fairy is a slacker!

  70. LOL! I have had to do the same thing, too. Our tooth fairy needs some help remembering to come to our house.

    stopping by from sits

  71. That is too great. We have one of Santa's helpers named Elf 13 that pays a visit each day from Thanksgiving until Christmas... checking on the boys, he leaves a note and a little treat. They just love it..

    BTW they just saw Santa while eating Mexican food. I posted about it on my blog "Things Kids Say Thursday's", it was too funny!

    Happy SITS day too!

    Mud Pies For Mommy

  72. Oh my gosh!! This is hilarious!! You are an excellent blogger. You make these postings relevant to others. Thank you for sharing!

  73. Yes, notes are great. My daughter has also gotten a note from tooth fairy saying she was returning the first tooth to her mother so she could keep it for the scrapbook.

  74. Hil-ar-i-ous. I love learning from others so I know what to do when the time comes! Visiting from SITS!

  75. Great post! Wonderful sense of humor, great kids!!! I think I am going to follow your blog!


  76. seriously I want to be like you with my kids so so cute,
    I love your kids names too anyway I could spend all day on your blog reading each one of your psts but at last i have a bunch of comments to get to. So i'll be back!

  77. My favorite note from the tooth fairy came from Snoopy -- who I was obsessed with at the time -- explaining he traveled with the fairy on occasion and leaving his pawprint in ink alongside the money....

    Maybe Stinkerbell meant a Bratz doll's suitcase? Very cute family anyhoo --

    Chocolate cake? Is there any other kind??

  78. Brilliant stuff and stories for the books. Love it. Isn't it great when they're so young that they believe those letters were really, really written by Santa and the Tooth Fairy? Oh I miss those days!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  79. The notes you write are so cute and a great idea. I enjoyed reading your blog post.

    Stopping by from SITS


  80. Great cover Mom! And could her room be any cuter??? Darling!
    Happy SITS Day!

  81. I love this idea!!! I'm definate;y going to use it when I forget.... maybe the boys will get letters from Santa early to get me through to the holidays....

    Happy SITS day!

  82. LOL -- too funny. We had the issue of forgetting about a tooth & it was mother's day. We were able to pull one over on our dd and tell her the Tooth Fairy had mother's day off but surely would deliver the next day!
    And your notes from Santa remind me of when I was a kid. We were really naughty - or so my parents thought, and our presents always appeared under the tree before Christmas. So one day we came home & all the presents were gone and there was a scribbled not in the tree from the Grinch saying if we weren't good we would not be getting our Christmas presents that year. Scared the pants off us and you bet we were good!!! Maybe you can try that another time if you are having issues w/the kiddos! Happy SITS day to you (sorry for the long comment!)

  83. OH, I LOVE this! A friend of mine talks on the phone to her boyfriend's 3 yo daughter as various Disney princesses and tells her to act nicely. And it works! This started when she started peeing on the floor of the garage...

  84. At least they are getting notes and not emails.

  85. So cute!! It's funny what us mom's can think up when we need too!

  86. Your children are so cute writing notes!

  87. Santa and the Easter Bunny write my kids notes...and they listen because it's not me. I really love the note to the tooth fairy. The Tooth Fairy forgot to come one time but she must have snuck in there while I was tearing apart the bed with my son and slipped it under the teddy bear.
    Holly @ 504 Main

  88. hilarious! and her expression is priceless!

  89. LOL- good save! One night I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning and remembered that the tooth fairy needed to stop by--- and went scrounging for buckage in the dark. Yup- he ended up with five bucks. Which is W-A-Y more than our tooth fairy usually gives. Yeah- it is still a talked about subject about how good that tooth had to have been to get five bucks! LOL- your girls have awesome personalities.

  90. This is a GREAT idea! I don't have kids yet, but when I do i totally plan to steal this idea.

    Happy SITS Day (yesterday)!

  91. OMG, the Tooth Fairy has left so many notes for my boys. She's a complete dolt. One time, she left the money AND THE TOOTH under the pillow. She had to come back the next night to get it, and leave more money, of course.

  92. I love the idea of using Santa as my hit man.
    "Yo, yous better mind your ma, or yous ain't gettin' no gifts...capiche?"

    Happy SITS Day!!

  93. I'm fairly certain that all the holiday figure heads in my house will bonehead it up too!
