This is Thing 2 last year for Halloween. It was her second time being a witch. She just really likes witches, I guess.
She makes a pretty cute witch too. At least in my opinion, and I know I'm a little biased here.
Thing 1 was a pirate last year. That was one scary knife. Sword. Whatever. What is that?
Last year was the first year they got to choose their costumes all by themselves. I cannot tell you how hard that was for me. It's all Peanut Head's fault too, because we were all together at Target and he asked the girls what they wanted to be for Halloween.
Can you believe that?!!!!
I cleared my throat and whispered to him, "Um, we're not doing that yet. I pick them." He just looked at me like I was speaking Russian and continued searching through the costumes.
I couldn't very well make a scene though, because then everyone would be looking at me and thinking "Scary Mommy doesn't let her kids pick out their own costumes." So I dug deep, real deep, and went with it. Grudgingly.
First I had to get over the fact that Thing 2 was going to be a witch again and that would make my Halloween album look redundant. Seriously, this is how I think.
Then Thing 1 had to go and pick a pirate costume. I admit, she is cute as a pirate since she had no front teeth then, but it was not the costume I would have chosen for her.
So this picture is titled "The Year the Kids Had a Say."
You all know that I'm a bit of a control freak, so you won't be surprised when you hear my confession.
I actually kinda already bought their costumes for this year. Without them.
Thing 1 is scorching mad at me.
she wanted to be Hannah Montana. Yeah, well this ain't the
Best of Both Worlds, Sister Girl. This is my world Hannah baby, so go and sing
that song somewhere else.
Ha, ha, no really, I actually don't have a real problem with Hannah Montana and her two songs. I'm sure we're going to have at least 242 Hannah Montanas at our elementary school alone. I really don't know why I'm not excited about Thing 1 being Hannah. I mean she's not like Britney Spears or anything. I'll have to ponder this.
In the meantime, I'm hoping I can talk her into the way cute scarecrow costume for this year, but I'm thinking if I get that lucky, I'm never going to get away with it again.
Tomorrow she's probably going to want to pick out her own clothes too. Dang it. She has her father's fashion sense and color issues, so I don't know how this is going to pan out.
What kind of costume is she going to want to wear when she's a teenager?
Geez, have you seen the selection of costumes they have for adult females? I feel like I'm shopping in a lingerie store, the costumes are so trashy. Am I alone here, or has anyone else noticed this?
What kind of message are we sending to our young girls with the costumes that are available to them? It's depressing. I think what's most scary is that clearly women are buying these types of costumes because there wouldn't be so many of them if they weren't.
What's a parent to do? CPS frowns on parents locking their kids in closets until they're 25. And dang it, I would never get away with that because my mom works for CPS.
Stop reading my blog, Mom. The kids are FINE.