Thing 1 got this awesome digital camera for her birthday this year and thank goodness. Since she got this, I don't have to hear the girls beg to play with my camera. As if!
The VTech Kidizoom is durable enough for kids, sure, but I think one of their favorite features is being able to superimpose pictures over the top of their pictures. And usually you have no idea. Like this.
He looks so unsuspecting, doesn't he? Trust me, we all are.
My least favorite is the pig nose, although I can't share any of those pictures with you because who wants to get lost on the internet wearing a pig nose? Not me.
You may have noticed that the pictures aren't top quality. That is partly due to the age and fidgetiness of the photographer, but not 100%. The main thing I'm concerned about is that the monsters have this camera to practice with while they are developing their photography skills. And their fine motor skills.
This is me. I'm dressed up to go out with my devil's horns and bat wings.
Posing for this picture was exhausting. They always are because my kids move the camera around, trying to position the imposed pig nose, or whatever, on the picture and snap it all at the same time. It requires timing and a steady hand. That last part, they so don't have.
My favorite is when Thing 2 snaps the picture and starts walking away before the flash and the picture have completed.
I have thousands of baaaaaaad pictures on my hard drive now. I'm okay with that though, because I don't have to pay to get them developed now do I? My kids will be teenagers and they'll realize "You mean I can print my pictures and hold them?!!!"

This is Smashley. She is going to kill me when she sees this picture, so make sure you leave a comment complimenting her on her good looks.
She makes this hat work, doesn't she?
This picture is just ironic. It's Janae's little chocolate chip with Thing 1 and they really don't like each other. These girls are mean with a capital M. No, with ALL caps.
I know in the picture it looks like love, but trust me, it's not.
I think I'll make the girls each a special keepsake with this picture.
HaHa.... theres a pic of robert in there too! haha! The girlies absolutely love that, i think annika seemed like she liked it more. haha.