I like to troll the craft fairs and stores to get ideas and this is one of the ideas I've found that I love. The only difference with my clipboards, is that I kept them pretty simple and didn't adhere a lot of chunky embellishments to the front so that they would still be usable without puncturing any paper I put on it. If you want to make one (or more) for yourself, here's how:
1) Take an ugly, cheap 99 cent clipboard, and trace its outline on the back of scrapbooking paper of your choice. Do this with both the front and the back. When cutting, measure and cut out the area for the clip. You want the paper to go around the hardware on the front of the clipboard.
2) Cover a work surface with newspaper, or even better, do it outside, and spray the back side of the paper with spray adhesive. Carefully apply to clipboard, working quickly. It helps to have two people doing this because the adhesive is pretty sticky.
3) Trim any overhanging paper and sand the edges to give it a finished look.
4) Using a cheap foam brush, apply two coats of Modge Podge (I like the Matte finish) to both sides of the clipboard, allowing a couple hours of drying time between coats. The Modge Podge will protect the paper and allow you to clean your clipboard.
5) When the Modge Podge is dry, tie pretty pieces of ribbon to the clip.
And there you have it! Since I'm a list person, I have about ten of these around my house. My girls each have one for their chore charts, and they each gave one to their teachers at the end of the school year with Barnes & Noble gift cards attached. I even snuck my husband's ugly clipboard out of his shop and covered it with manly hunting/camping paper and stickers and did not use ribbon. Once you make one of these babies, you'll never use an ugly brown clipboard again.
I love your little crafty things Miss Jilly Bean!!!